Placa traseira e placa de pé de aço inoxidável para fratura
A Origem do Produto Xiamen China
O tempo de entrega 20 dias
A capacidade de abastecimento 10000 PCS/dia
1. Essas placas são projetadas para fornecer estabilidade e suporte ao osso afetado, permitindo que ele cicatrize adequadamente. A placa traseira é colocada na parte de trás do pé e a placa do pé é colocada na parte inferior do pé.
2. O material de aço inoxidável usado nessas placas é forte e durável, capaz de suportar o peso e a pressão colocados no pé durante as atividades diárias.
3. Este material também é resistente à corrosão, garantindo que as placas permaneçam intactas e eficazes durante o processo de cicatrização.
Provide a comprehensive solution to the Scapula fracture
Medial border, lateral border, acromion, and glenoid plates
Anatomic design
Indications for Use:
Scapulal fractures fixation
Indications for Use: | Features: |
Femoral neck fractures | Six distinct points of fixation in the |
Subcapital femoral neck fractures | proximal femur |
Nonunions and malunions | Anatomically contoured to the lateral |
aspect of the proximal femur
Stainless steel back plates and foot plates are commonly used in the treatment of fractures in the foot and ankle. These plates are designed to provide stability and support to the affected bone, allowing it to heal properly. The back plate is placed on the back of the foot and the foot plate is placed on the bottom of the foot.
The stainless steel material used in these plates is strong and durable, able to withstand the weight and pressure placed on the foot during daily activities. This material is also resistant to corrosion, ensuring that the plates remain intact and effective for the duration of the healing process.
The plates are typically secured to the bone using screws or other hardware. The number and placement of these screws will depend on the location and severity of the fracture. Once the plates are in place, the patient will need to wear a cast or other immobilization device to prevent movement and promote healing.
Stainless steel back plates and foot plates have been shown to be effective in the treatment of various types of foot and ankle fractures, including those involving the metatarsals, tarsals, and calcaneus. These plates can help to reduce pain and swelling, improve mobility, and prevent complications such as deformities and arthritis.
Overall, stainless steel back plates and foot plates are a valuable tool in the treatment of foot and ankle fractures, providing stability and support to help patients recover and regain their mobility.